Restrict publishing of partitioned table with a foreign table as partition

From: Shlok Kyal <shlok(dot)kyal(dot)oss(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Restrict publishing of partitioned table with a foreign table as partition
Date: 2025-01-29 05:16:26
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Lists: pgsql-hackers


As part of a discussion in [1], I am starting this thread to address
the issue reported for foreign tables.

Logical replication of foreign tables is not supported, and we throw
an error in this case. But when we create a publication on a
partitioned table that has a foreign table as a partition, the initial
sync of such a table is successful. We should also throw an error in
such cases.
With this patch, we will throw an error when we try to create a
publication on (or add to an existing publication) a partitioned table
with a foreign table as its partition or attach such a table to
existing published tables.

[1] :

Thanks and Regards,
Shlok Kyal

Attachment Content-Type Size
v1-0001-Restrict-publishing-of-partitioned-table-with-a-f.patch application/octet-stream 13.6 KB


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