Re: Printing window function OVER clauses in EXPLAIN

From: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
To: Álvaro Herrera <alvherre(at)alvh(dot)no-ip(dot)org>
Cc: David Rowley <dgrowleyml(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Printing window function OVER clauses in EXPLAIN
Date: 2025-03-10 16:18:29
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=?utf-8?Q?=C3=81lvaro?= Herrera <alvherre(at)alvh(dot)no-ip(dot)org> writes:
> On 2025-Mar-09, Tom Lane wrote:
>> David Rowley <dgrowleyml(at)gmail(dot)com> writes:
>>> What are your thoughts on being a bit more brief with the naming and
>>> just prefix with "w" instead of "window"?

>> OK by me, any objections elsewhere?

> WFM.

Here's a hopefully-final v3 that makes the two changes discussed.
Now with a draft commit message, too.

I looked for documentation examples that needed updates, but there
don't seem to be any. Our documentation of EXPLAIN output is
mighty thin anyway. I don't want to try to improve that situation
as part of this patch.

regards, tom lane

Attachment Content-Type Size
v3-0001-Improve-EXPLAIN-s-display-of-window-functions.patch text/x-diff 79.9 KB

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