Fix logging for invalid recovery timeline

From: David Steele <david(at)pgbackrest(dot)org>
To: Pg Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Fix logging for invalid recovery timeline
Date: 2024-12-20 15:37:36
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Lists: pgsql-hackers


I noticed while debugging a user issue that the checkpoint logged in

"Latest checkpoint is at %X/%X on timeline %u, but in the history of the
requested timeline, the server forked off from that timeline at %X/%X."

is being pulled from the value stored in the control file rather than
the value read from backup_label (in the case where there is a
backup_label). This only affects logging since the timeline check is
done against the checkpoint/TLI as read from backup_label.

This patch updates the checkpoint and TLI to (what I believe are) the
correct values for logging.

I think this should also be back-patched.


Attachment Content-Type Size
timeline-log-v1.patch text/plain 1.6 KB


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