Re: Add CASEFOLD() function.

From: Jeff Davis <pgsql(at)j-davis(dot)com>
To: Ian Lawrence Barwick <barwick(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Add CASEFOLD() function.
Date: 2024-12-12 18:30:04
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On Thu, 2024-12-12 at 21:52 +0900, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
> and it seems to work as advertised, except the function is named
> in the patch, so I'm wondering which is intended?

Thank you for looking into this, I went back and forth on the name, and
mistyped it a few times.

ICU seems to use "foldcase":

and it seems to be slightly more proper grammatically (with "fold"
being the verb). However, "case folding" is common terminology in
Postgres and Unicode, so "casefold" can be seen as the verb instead.

I don't have a strong opinion here so I will just go with whatever
seems like the popular choice.

Jeff Davis

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