Re: Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server vs other Azure offerings

From: Christoph Moench-Tegeder <cmt(at)burggraben(dot)net>
To: Alexander Farber <alexander(dot)farber(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-general <pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server vs other Azure offerings
Date: 2025-02-22 19:19:50
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Lists: pgsql-general

## Alexander Farber (alexander(dot)farber(at)gmail(dot)com):

> - "Azure Database for
> PostgreSQL" - this one scares me be talking about AI that we do not need.
> Also it looks more like some abstract product or is it a real setup?

That's the top level overview, and as it's 2025 all the high-level,
glossy material has to mention AI.

> - "Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server" - I would take that, but it
> is obsolete/deprecated?

"Is being retired in March 2025" - best to be ignored now, it's basically

> - "Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server" - Looks like I have to
> take this one, but I do not want all the replication/zones features,
> because I have no experience there and we already have had enough headache
> with Redis Enterprise and some hashes not being saved because they are on
> different shards etc.

HA with PostgreSQL is not that much of an headache (unless you invest
extra effort and code, the "normal" replication is really just
Anyways, HA is optional with the Flexible Server, as I read the
quickstart guide:
(See table under item 8).

> So my question is: who is using what for PostgreSQL on Azure and how
> happy/unhappy are you with your product?

"Single Server" sure was a source of unhappiness :)


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