RE: Skip collecting decoded changes of already-aborted transactions

From: "Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)" <kuroda(dot)hayato(at)fujitsu(dot)com>
To: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Cc: Amit Kapila <amit(dot)kapila16(at)gmail(dot)com>, Ajin Cherian <itsajin(at)gmail(dot)com>, vignesh C <vignesh21(at)gmail(dot)com>, Dilip Kumar <dilipbalaut(at)gmail(dot)com>, 'Masahiko Sawada' <sawada(dot)mshk(at)gmail(dot)com>, Peter Smith <smithpb2250(at)gmail(dot)com>
Subject: RE: Skip collecting decoded changes of already-aborted transactions
Date: 2025-03-14 05:04:20
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Dear hackers,

I hope I'm in the correct thread. In abfb296, rbtxn_skip_prepared() was removed from
SnapBuildDistributeNewCatalogSnapshot(). ISTM it was an only caller of the function.

Is it an intentional for external projects? Or it can be removed like attached?

Best regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Attachment Content-Type Size
remove_func.diffs application/octet-stream 551 bytes

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