RE: Proposal: Filter irrelevant change before reassemble transactions during logical decoding

From: "Zhijie Hou (Fujitsu)" <houzj(dot)fnst(at)fujitsu(dot)com>
To: Ajin Cherian <itsajin(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Amit Kapila <amit(dot)kapila16(at)gmail(dot)com>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: RE: Proposal: Filter irrelevant change before reassemble transactions during logical decoding
Date: 2025-01-24 06:28:08
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Lists: pgsql-hackers


I think the proposed feature is interesting, and after reviewing the
original discussion thread, I'd like to help move it forward. To that end, I've
summarized the key points of the discussion so far, including the challenges
highlighted in the thread and some issues I identified off-list, along with
potential solutions. My colleague will share a new POC patch set that has been
developed based on these lines.
(Note that the previous email was blocked, this is the second attempt)

The original proposal in this thread suggests filtering out changes that won't
be published before decoding. This approach could prevent the serialization of
numerous unnecessary records to disk when using non-streaming mode for large
transactions. I find this to be a valid proposal. Although a recent commit has
enabled streaming mode for built-in logical replication by default, this
strategy could also save memory and CPU cycles in streaming mode, especially
when most changes can be filtered out.

While the proposal is interesting, several issues have been identified both in
this thread and off-list:

- Performance

Determining whether to filter a change requires information about the relation
or publication from the catalog, requiring a transaction to be started. When
most changes in a transaction are unfilterable, the overhead of starting a
transaction for each record is significant.

This is not a big issue because we can cache whether a change corresponding to
a table is filterable using a hash table.
However, a single hash search may not be sufficiently cheap if performed for
every record before decoding. In my tests, this caching approach produced
noticeable overhead (around 4%), mainly due to the cost of computing the hash
key and function calls in a hot path

| --2.96%--hash_bytes

Such overhead may not be acceptable for all users, given valid use cases like
publishing most tables on an instance (e.g., during an upgrade using logical
replication), where this filtering wouldn't provide a benefit and would only
incur overhead.

A tiny approach to minimize overhead is to suspend filtering for a certain
period when an unfilterable change is encountered. In other words, continue
filtering changes (using hash cache) if the last record was successfully
filtered out. If an unfilterable change is found, skip filtering the next 100
(an arbitrary number) changes. This approach aims to reduce frequent hash
searches when most changes can't be filtered out, lowering the overhead to less
than 1% on my machine. (This is a simple idea, and better algorithms could

- Snapshot construction

The main challenge discussed in this thread is constructing a correct historic
snapshot for filtering purposes. Creating a historic snapshot while decoding an
in-progress transaction is feasible, as it's already done in streaming mode.
However, there could be pending records (INTERNAL_SNAPSHOT, COMMAND_ID, or
INVALIDATION) that will update the built-in snapshot. We shouldn't use a
current snapshot without processing these records.

But thinking from another perspective, why not perform filtering only when
there are no such pending records. By tracking whether the decoder has any of
these records, we could skip filtering if they are present. These special
records are generally generated only during DDL execution, which shouldn't be
frequent; thus, the filter could still benefit many scenarios.

- new output plugin callback

To perform filtering, a new callback (e.g., change_filter) would be needed to
invoke before decoding the record. Using pgoutput as an example, we would call
get_rel_sync_entry() in the callback to determine if a change corresponding to
a table can be filtered.

get_rel_sync_entry() requires catalog access if it doesn't find the cache entry
in the hash table. But as mentioned in the "Performance" section, we need to
minimize catalog access and transaction start/stop. So, ideally, the callback
should return whether it needs catalog access, allowing the caller
(reorderbuffer) to start a transaction if necessary.

The callback interface could be:

(Note: The function or parameter names can be refined; the example just
provided what's the input and output information.)

typedef bool (LogicalDecodeFilterChangeCB) (struct LogicalDecodingContext ctx,
Oid relid,
ReorderBufferChangeType type,
bool in_txn, bool *cache_valid);

To signal that decoding should be skipped for the given change type, it returns
true; false otherwise. The in_txn parameter indicates whether the callback is
invoked within a transaction block. When in_txn is false, and if making a
decision to filter a change requires being inside a transaction block, such as
needing access to the catalog, set *cache_valid to false. The caller should
invoke this for each record, and invoke this without starting a transaction, if
the returned cache_valid is false, then the caller should should reinvoke the
callback after starting a transaction.

Another alternative approach in Li jie patch[1] is having the output plugin
callback always provide all record types that can be published for a relation
and cache them at the reorderbuffer level. However, I think this isn't feasible
because the reorderbuffer isn't (and needn't to be) aware of when to invalidate
such a cache. Although we could register the cache invalidation callback like
pgoutput does in init_rel_sync_cache(), many third-party output plugins could
have their own caching mechanisms, making it impossible for reorderbuffer to
simulate cache management for all. Therefore, what the reorderbuffer should do,
in my opinion, would be to directly ask the output plugin to see if a result
can be obtained without entering a transaction, as per the interface I
mentioned earlier.


Best Regards,
Hou zj

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