Re: dblink: Add SCRAM pass-through authentication

From: Jacob Champion <jacob(dot)champion(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
To: Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>
Cc: Matheus Alcantara <matheusssilv97(at)gmail(dot)com>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: dblink: Add SCRAM pass-through authentication
Date: 2025-03-19 19:21:02
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On Tue, Mar 18, 2025 at 12:32 PM Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org> wrote:
> Yeah, I think option (2) is enough for now. If someone wants to enable
> the kinds of things you describe, they can always come back and
> implement option (1) later.

Sounds good to me.


Notes on v8:

- The following documentation pieces need to be adjusted, now that
we've decided that `use_scram_passthrough` will enforce

> + The remote server must request SCRAM authentication. (If desired,
> + enforce this on the client side (FDW side) with the option
> + <literal>require_auth</literal>.) If another authentication method is
> + requested by the server, then that one will be used normally.


> + The user mapping password is not used. (It could be set to support other
> + authentication methods, but that would arguably violate the point of this
> + feature, which is to avoid storing plain-text passwords.)

I think they should just be reduced to "The remote server must request
SCRAM authentication." and "The user mapping password is not used."

- In get_connect_string():

> + /* first gather the server connstr options */
> + Oid serverid = foreign_server->serverid;

I think this comment belongs elsewhere (connect_pg_server) and should
be deleted from this block.

- Sorry for not realizing this before now, but I couldn't figure out
why connect_pg_server() took the rconn pointer, and it turns out it
just passes it along to dblink_security_check(), which pfree's it
before throwing an error. So that will double-free with the current
refactoring patch (and I'm not sure why assertions aren't catching

I thought for sure this inconsistency would be a problem on HEAD, but
it turns out that rconn is set to NULL in the code path where it would
be a bug... How confusing.

Now that we handle the pfree() in PG_CATCH instead, that lower-level
pfree should be removed, and then connect_pg_server() doesn't need to
take an rconn pointer at all. For extra credit you could maybe move
the allocation of rconn down below the call to connect_pg_server(),
and get rid of the try/catch?

> + /* Verify the set of connection parameters. */
> dblink_connstr_check(connstr);
> ...
> + /* Perform post-connection security checks. */
> dblink_security_check(conn, rconn, connstr);

- These comment additions probably belong in 0001 rather than 0002.

- As discussed offlist, 0002 needs pgperltidy'd rather than perltidy'd.

- I have attached some additional nitpicky comment edits and
whitespace changes as a diff; pick and choose as desired.


Attachment Content-Type Size
fixup.diff.txt text/plain 5.1 KB

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