Postgres chooses slow query plan from time to time

From: Kristjan Mustkivi <sonicmonkey(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: pgsql-performance(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Postgres chooses slow query plan from time to time
Date: 2021-09-13 13:24:57
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Lists: pgsql-performance

Dear community,

I have a query that most of the time gets executed in a few
milliseconds yet occasionally takes ~20+ seconds. The difference, as
far as I am able to tell, comes whether it uses the table Primary Key
(fast) or an additional index with smaller size. The table in question
is INSERT ONLY - no updates or deletes done there.

Pg 11.12, total OS mem 124G

shared_buffers: 31GB
work_mem: 27MB
effective_cache_size: 93GB

The query:

myschema.mytable pbh
pbh.product_code = $1
AND pbh.cage_player_id = $2
AND pbh.cage_code = $3
AND balance_type = $4
AND pbh.modified_time < $5
pbh.modified_time DESC FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY;

\d myschema.mytable
Table "myschema.mytable"
Column │ Type │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default
cage_code │ integer │ │ not null │
cage_player_id │ bigint │ │ not null │
product_code │ character varying(30) │ │ not null │
balance_type │ character varying(30) │ │ not null │
version │ bigint │ │ not null │
modified_time │ timestamp(3) with time zone │ │ not null │
amount │ numeric(38,8) │ │ not null │
change │ numeric(38,8) │ │ not null │
transaction_id │ bigint │ │ not null │
"mytable_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cage_code, cage_player_id,
product_code, balance_type, version)
"mytable_idx1" btree (modified_time)
"mytable_idx2" btree (cage_code, cage_player_id, modified_time)

SELECT relname, relpages, reltuples, relallvisible, relkind, relnatts,
relhassubclass, reloptions, pg_table_size(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE
─[ RECORD 1 ]──┬───────────────────────
relname │ mytable
relpages │ 18630554
reltuples │ 1.45045e+09
relallvisible │ 18629741
relkind │ r
relnatts │ 9
relhassubclass │ f
reloptions │ ¤
pg_table_size │ 152695029760 (142 GB)

I have caught this with AUTOEXPLAIN:

Query Text: SELECT * FROM myschema.mytable pbh WHERE
pbh.product_code = $1 AND pbh.cage_player_id = $2 AND
pbh.cage_code = $3 AND balance_type = $4 AND pbh.modified_time <
$5 ORDER BY pbh.modified_time DESC FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY
Limit (cost=0.70..6.27 rows=1 width=66)
-> Index Scan Backward using mytable_idx2 on mytable pbh
(cost=0.70..21552.55 rows=3869 width=66)
Index Cond: ((cage_code = $3) AND (cage_player_id = $2) AND
(modified_time < $5))
Filter: (((product_code)::text = ($1)::text) AND
((balance_type)::text = ($4)::text))

And when I run EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the same query with the same
parameters manually:

Limit (cost=177.75..177.75 rows=1 width=66) (actual
time=8.635..8.635 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=177.75..178.21 rows=186 width=66) (actual
time=8.634..8.634 rows=1 loops=1)
Sort Key: modified_time DESC
Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
-> Index Scan using mytable_pk on mytable pbh
(cost=0.70..176.82 rows=186 width=66) (actual time=1.001..8.610
rows=25 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((cage_code = 123) AND (cage_player_id =
'12345'::bigint) AND ((product_code)::text = 'PRODUCT'::text) AND
((balance_type)::text = 'TOTAL'::text))
Filter: (modified_time < '2021-09-13
04:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone)
Planning Time: 2.117 ms
Execution Time: 8.658 ms

I have played around with SET STATISTICS, work_mem and even tried
CREATE STATISTICS although there is no functional dependency on the
table columns in questions, but nothing seems to work.

Any ideas, hints are very much appreciated!

With best regards,
Kristjan Mustkivi

Email: kristjan(dot)mustkivi(at)gmail(dot)com


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