Re: CRC32C Parallel Computation Optimization on ARM

From: John Naylor <johncnaylorls(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: "Devulapalli, Raghuveer" <raghuveer(dot)devulapalli(at)intel(dot)com>
Cc: Dmitry Dolgov <9erthalion6(at)gmail(dot)com>, Nathan Bossart <nathandbossart(at)gmail(dot)com>, Xiang Gao <Xiang(dot)Gao(at)arm(dot)com>, Michael Paquier <michael(at)paquier(dot)xyz>, "pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: CRC32C Parallel Computation Optimization on ARM
Date: 2025-03-18 11:50:59
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On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 12:50 AM Devulapalli, Raghuveer
<raghuveer(dot)devulapalli(at)intel(dot)com> wrote:
> > > Intel has contributed SSE4.2 CRC32C [1] and AVX-512 CRC32C [2] based on
> > similar techniques to postgres.
> >
> > ...this is a restatement of facts we already know. I'm guessing the intended
> > takeaway is "since Intel submitted an implementation to us based on paper A,
> > then we are free to separately also use a technique from paper B (which cites
> > patents)".
> Yes.
> > The original proposal that started this thread is below, and I'd like to give that
> > author credit for initiating that work
> Yup, that should be fine.

Thank you for confirming. I've attached v10, which has mostly
polishing and comment writing, and a draft commit message. The lookup
table and software carryless multiplication routine are still in
pg_crc32c_sb.c , which is now built unconditionally. That's good
foreshadowing of future pclmul/pmull support, as I've found building
that file everywhere makes some things simpler anyway. That file has
become a bit of a misnomer, and I've thought of renaming it to
*_common.c or perhaps *_fallback.c , since the addition from this
patch is still kind of a fallback where we won't have the hardware
needed for faster algorithms, as discussed elsewhere.

0002-3 puts the relevant parts into a header so that the hardware
details can be abstracted away. These would be squashed, but I've kept
them separate here for comparison.

John Naylor
Amazon Web Services

Attachment Content-Type Size
v10-0002-Use-template-file-for-parallel-CRC-computation.patch text/x-patch 8.2 KB
v10-0001-Execute-hardware-CRC-computation-in-parallel.patch text/x-patch 19.8 KB
v10-0003-Fix-headerscheck.patch text/x-patch 916 bytes

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