Re: Cannot find a working 64-bit integer type on Illumos

From: Thomas Munro <thomas(dot)munro(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
Cc: Tomas Vondra <tomas(at)vondra(dot)me>, Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnaka(at)iki(dot)fi>, Japin Li <japinli(at)hotmail(dot)com>, Andres Freund <andres(at)anarazel(dot)de>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Cannot find a working 64-bit integer type on Illumos
Date: 2024-12-10 02:02:07
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On Thu, Dec 5, 2024 at 12:16 PM Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us> wrote:
> Now you already snuck the camel's nose under the
> tent by including stdint.h there, and maybe these additional headers
> wouldn't do any further damage.

Even though we fixed the immediate issue (thanks), this comment stayed
with me. I did that because I didn't want to change any interfaces at
the same time as the <stdint.h> retrofit, but I agree that it feels a
bit odd hidden in there, and doesn't appear to conform to
postgres_ext.h's self-description. Stepping back, and I realise it's
difficult to answer with certainty, I wonder why anyone would ever
want to use postgres_ext.h directly for the definition of pg_int64
*without* being a user of libpq-fe.h. I can't find any references to
pg_int64 (excluding forks of our code) on github; there are a few
things like proxies and suchlike that include postgres_ext.h for other
things, mostly bogusly (they also include libpq-fe.h, or they say they
want NAMEDATALEN, which isn't there anymore).

We have just three lo_*64() functions using that type and then
pg_usec_time_t. Seems like a very narrow usage that hasn't spread,
likely only used to receive arguments, and really quite specific to
libpq-fe.h and not one of the "fundamental Postgres declarations".
Maybe we should consider moving #include <stdint.h> into libpq-fe.h?

And if we included <stdint.h> overtly, rather than covertly in
postgres_ext.h, why would we still want a third name for int64_t? We
could change the three lo_*64() declarations to use the standard type
directly, but keep the historical typedef marked deprecated.

> But I don't see a strong argument to
> change long-standing external APIs any more than we absolutely must.

So perhaps you'll hate that idea then. I wonder if you'll hate it
more than keeping the #include in postgres_ext.h, hence putting the
idea forward!

Attachment Content-Type Size
0001-Deprecate-pg_int64.patch text/x-patch 8.4 KB

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