Re: JDBC slow performance on resultSet iteration?

From: Edson Richter <edsonrichter(at)hotmail(dot)com>
To: pgsql-jdbc(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: JDBC slow performance on resultSet iteration?
Date: 2013-11-08 02:47:42
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Lists: pgsql-jdbc

Hi, Rui,

I'm very interested in knowing your results.
Please, share your advances with us...



Em 06/11/2013 01:46, Rui Pedro Leal escreveu:
> Hi Kevin,
> I've tested that "-Dorg.postgresql.forcebinary=true" options with no
> apparent benefits.
> Just recapping ...
> Using postgres 9.1.2 + postgis .... with the 9.2-1003-jdbc4 driver.
> For the sake of having consistent result, I'm now just focused now on
> running a createStatement / executeQuery with no cursor or fetchSize
> stuff (as per Dave suggestion).
> As i've presented in my previous code, i'm measuring the process from
> the beginning to the end (always accumulating time) and measuring
> connection creation, statement creation (i was using preparedStatement
> previously), query execution and result set iteration + resultSet.getXXX.
> So currently, i'm getting the following results (last execution after
> arriving at home):
> [QUERY 12] - connection in 8ms.
> [QUERY 12] - statement in 8ms.
> [QUERY 12] - done/execution in 3035ms.
> [QUERY 12] - iterated in 4381ms.
> If i recall correctly, since i'm not using fetchSize all results
> should be loaded to memory, if there is space (around 190k of them).
> Comparing to pgAdmin, where executing the query and presenting all the
> results is around ~2663ms (last execution after arriving at home).
> So, my conclusions so far ... to which i welcome feedback or pointing
> out my utterly stupidity ;)
> 1) The performance difference on the execution is for me quite
> expected, not that abnormal and almost negligible (from my previous
> experience with JDBC on Oracle and MySQL).
> 2) However, the step of the iteration/gets on the resultSet (190k)
> .... which is mostly all resultSet.getXXX (please check my original
> code / post) is an additional 1.3s. If the query results are in fact
> in memory, it is strange and puzzling to me.
> In the end, i'm getting an additional 1.7s performance hit vs. a
> simple query and return results of pgAdmin.
> Tomorrow i will follow Dave Cramer suggestion and turn on log_duration
> on the server and check in more detail the server logs. Will report back.
> Any additional feedback or suggestion?
> Thanks everyone for the promptly feedback ...
> Regards,
> Rui Leal
> [] Rui Pedro Leal
> [] rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>
> On 2013/11/05, at 18:45, Kevin Wooten wrote:
>> Well yes and no. The driver may be transferring your data in binary
>> already but we should work out if that is actually true. I believe
>> that option "-Dorg.postgresql.forcebinary=boolean" still works and
>> forces an Extended Query which will allow binary transfers.
>> Try running with that option and see if it changes the timings.
>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 11:27 AM, Rui Pedro Leal <rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com
>> <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>> wrote:
>>> Hello Kevin,
>>> That's exactly my immediate (and hopefully wrong) conclusion: the
>>> getXXX calls are really costly!
>>> So, you are proposing using the binary protocol. I've never known
>>> the existence of that. Is this it:
>>> ?
>>> Thanks.
>>> [] Rui Pedro Leal
>>> [] rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>
>>> On 2013/11/05, at 18:14, Kevin Wooten wrote:
>>>> Well I can speak from experience...
>>>> When I was comparing the performance of my implementation with
>>>> pgjdbc I was very disheartened at the beginning as pgjdbc was
>>>> seemingly much faster. It was only after I switched the test to
>>>> take into account the getXXX calls that the true cost of using the
>>>> driver was discovered. If you just execute a query and ignore the
>>>> results pgjdbc is essentially just receiving a stream of text. It
>>>> ignores all of the work of turning that text into Java
>>>> objects/primitives.
>>>> My implementation uses binary protocol for this reason and that
>>>> removes a lot of the overhead that pgjdbc has. If pgAdmin is using
>>>> the binary protocol as well this could very well be the difference
>>>> that is being seen, because it is a significant amount of time.
>>>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 11:03 AM, Dave Cramer <pg(at)fastcrypt(dot)com
>>>> <mailto:pg(at)fastcrypt(dot)com>> wrote:
>>>>> I do not know, the best way to figure this out is to use explain
>>>>> analyze in pg_admin.
>>>>> What I am debating is the java code is using a cursor. pgAdmin is not.
>>>>> Try it without setFetchSize()
>>>>> Dave Cramer
>>>>> dave.cramer(at)credativ(dot)ca
>>>>> <>
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Rui Pedro Leal
>>>>> <rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>> wrote:
>>>>> Dave,
>>>>> I understand what you are saying, but i must get the results,
>>>>> right? :)
>>>>> I think in pgAdmin the total query time, presented by the
>>>>> query execution windows, is also considering the rendering /
>>>>> presenting of the query results, so this is comparable ... right?
>>>>> [] Rui Pedro Leal
>>>>> [] rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>
>>>>> On 2013/11/05, at 17:34, Dave Cramer wrote:
>>>>>> Rui Leal,
>>>>>> You shouldn't see that much of a penatly, but I question how
>>>>>> you are measuring it. Since you are timing the loop which is
>>>>>> using cursors.
>>>>>> Just run a simple query and time it without iterating through
>>>>>> the result set. That would be equivalent
>>>>>> Dave Cramer
>>>>>> dave.cramer(at)credativ(dot)ca
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Rui Pedro Leal
>>>>>> <rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Dave, thanks for the quick reply.
>>>>>> I'm just executing the same query on pgAdmin query
>>>>>> interface. Just a way to measure performance of the query
>>>>>> + getting results vs the JDBC way.
>>>>>> I'm using fetchsize in order to get some faster results
>>>>>> when iterating the resultSet. I've tried not to use
>>>>>> fetchSize/cursor but the performance is naturally slower
>>>>>> (and worser than the simple pgAdmin query).
>>>>>> What i'm asking is .. is this performance penalty i'm
>>>>>> getting using postgres JDBC normal and within what's
>>>>>> expected? I'm i doing something wrong? Can i do it in any
>>>>>> other way?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Rui Leal
>>>>>> [] Rui Pedro Leal
>>>>>> [] rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>
>>>>>> On 2013/11/05, at 16:43, Dave Cramer wrote:
>>>>>>> How can you measure the same query in pgAdmin ? JDBC
>>>>>>> will use a cursor when you set the fetchsize.
>>>>>>> Dave Cramer
>>>>>>> dave.cramer(at)credativ(dot)ca
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Rui Pedro Leal
>>>>>>> <rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com
>>>>>>> <mailto:rui(dot)pedro(dot)leal(at)gmail(dot)com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Just an quick info update: i'm using the
>>>>>>> postgresql-9.2-1003-jdbc4 driver
>>>>>>> On 2013/11/05, at 16:09, Rui Pedro Leal wrote:
>>>>>>> > Hello everyone,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I'm having slow JDBC performance on iterating a
>>>>>>> resultSet obtained from a somewhat simple query.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > The query, although using PostGIS functions, is
>>>>>>> pretty straight forward:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > SELECT _id, _spatial_type, ST_AsBinary(_geometry),
>>>>>>> _attribute, _count, _references, countpersons,
>>>>>>> countfatals, countdrunks, density
>>>>>>> > FROM accidents_5
>>>>>>> > WHERE (_geometry &&
>>>>>>> ST_MakeEnvelope(-126.60644531250001,26.43122806450644,-63.369140625,52.96187505907603,
>>>>>>> 4326) )
>>>>>>> > ORDER BY _pk_id
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > The results are the following:
>>>>>>> > - Executing the query directly from pgAdmin: ~2807ms
>>>>>>> > - Executing from JVM + JDBC: 4184ms
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > The code i'm executing is pretty much standard:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > -------------------- code --------------------
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > public static void main(final String[] args)
>>>>>>> throws Exception {
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > String sql = "SELECT _id, _spatial_type,
>>>>>>> ST_AsBinary(_geometry), _attribute, _count,
>>>>>>> _references, countpersons, countfatals, countdrunks,
>>>>>>> density";
>>>>>>> > sql += " FROM accidents_5";
>>>>>>> > sql += " WHERE (_geometry &&
>>>>>>> ST_MakeEnvelope(-126.60644531250001,26.43122806450644,-63.369140625,52.96187505907603,
>>>>>>> 4326) )";
>>>>>>> > sql += " ORDER BY _pk_id";
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > System.out.println(sql);
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
>>>>>>> > try {
>>>>>>> > Connection connection =
>>>>>>> DataStoreInfo.getDataStores().get(0);
>>>>>>> > connection.setAutoCommit(false);
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > System.out.println("[QUERY " +
>>>>>>> Thread.currentThread().getId()
>>>>>>> > + "] - connection in "
>>>>>>> > + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms.");
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Statement st = connection.createStatement(
>>>>>>> > ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
>>>>>>> ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY,
>>>>>>> > ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT);
>>>>>>> > st.setFetchSize(250);
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > System.out.println("[QUERY " +
>>>>>>> Thread.currentThread().getId()
>>>>>>> > + "] - statement in " +
>>>>>>> (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
>>>>>>> > + "ms.");
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > ResultSet resultSet = st.executeQuery(sql);
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > System.out.println("[QUERY " +
>>>>>>> Thread.currentThread().getId()
>>>>>>> > + "] - done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
>>>>>>> > + "ms.");
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > GeometryFactory geofact = new GeometryFactory(new
>>>>>>> PrecisionModel(),4326);
>>>>>>> > WKBReader wkbReader = new WKBReader(geofact);
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > String id;
>>>>>>> > String spatialType;
>>>>>>> > Geometry geometry;
>>>>>>> > String attribute;
>>>>>>> > Long count;
>>>>>>> > String reference;
>>>>>>> > Map<String, Double> properties;
>>>>>>> > String granularSynthString = "GranularSynthesis";
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > while ( {
>>>>>>> > id = resultSet.getString(1);
>>>>>>> > spatialType = resultSet.getString(2);
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > // geometry =
>>>>>>>; // ignored
>>>>>>> the WKBReader and the results are about the same.
>>>>>>> > attribute = resultSet.getString(4);
>>>>>>> > count = resultSet.getLong(5);
>>>>>>> > reference = resultSet.getString(6);
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > properties = new HashMap<String, Double>();
>>>>>>> > Double aux = resultSet.getDouble(7);
>>>>>>> > properties.put("countpersons", aux);
>>>>>>> > aux = resultSet.getDouble(8);
>>>>>>> > properties.put("countfatals", aux);
>>>>>>> > aux = resultSet.getDouble(9);
>>>>>>> > properties.put("countdrunks", aux);
>>>>>>> > aux = resultSet.getDouble(10);
>>>>>>> > properties.put("density", aux);
>>>>>>> > }
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > System.out.println("[QUERY " +
>>>>>>> Thread.currentThread().getId()
>>>>>>> > + "] - done & iterated in "
>>>>>>> > + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms.");
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > resultSet.close();
>>>>>>> > st.close();
>>>>>>> > connection.commit();
>>>>>>> > connection.close();
>>>>>>> > } catch (SQLException exception) {
>>>>>>> > exception.printStackTrace();
>>>>>>> > // } catch (ParseException exception) { //
>>>>>>> ignored from WKBreader
>>>>>>> > // exception.printStackTrace();
>>>>>>> > }
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > System.out.println("[End " +
>>>>>>> Thread.currentThread().getId()
>>>>>>> > + "] - done in " +
>>>>>>> (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms.");
>>>>>>> > }
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > -------------------- end code --------------------
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Although i'm executing this on slow MacbookPro
>>>>>>> (2.6 core duo, 2Gbs RAM but SSD) and have a 9.1.2
>>>>>>> postgres, i've also tested this on a recent retina
>>>>>>> MBP and the ratio between pgAdmin and JDBC execution
>>>>>>> is similar.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Is this expected? Can someone point if i'm doing
>>>>>>> something terrible wrong?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I'm not concerned about the query performance
>>>>>>> per-se (i know it CAN be optimized), but the
>>>>>>> differences just using JDBC and iterating the
>>>>>>> resultSet are really annoying.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Thanks in advance for any help.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Kind regards,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Rui Leal
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list
>>>>>>> (pgsql-jdbc(at)postgresql(dot)org
>>>>>>> <mailto:pgsql-jdbc(at)postgresql(dot)org>)
>>>>>>> To make changes to your subscription:

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