On 14/11/2023 12:56, Bernd Lentes wrote:
> Due to change of the LDAP server I need to modify the username now.
> From firstname.lastname to firstname(dot)lastname(at)helmholtz-munich(dot)de(dot)
> I tried the following (just for one user to test it):
> update pg_user set usename = 'usename(at)helmholtz-munich(dot)de' where usename = 'dorota.germann';
1) don't update system tables directly unless you absolutely must
ALTER USER <username> RENAME TO <new_username> is what you want
2) To use characters other than alphanumeric or _ then you need to use
double quotes
ALTER USER dorota.germann RENAME TO "dorota(dot)germann(at)helmholtz-munich(dot)de";
should do the job