Edson Richter <edsonrichter(at)hotmail(dot)com> wrote:
> For storage, du -h --max-depth 1 on data directory gives me the
> amount of data.
> Biggest objects are just the tables with files.
> I've 2 tables that held all these objects. Structure is
> create table MYTABLE (id bigint not null primary key, mimetype
> varchar(100) null, bytea datafile null)
Could you show the results of this query?:
SELECT relkind, oid, relfilenode, reltoastrelid,
relpages, reltuples
FROM pg_class
ORDER BY relpages DESC
Also, just to be sure that all calculations are based on your actual
build, can you show the results of?:
SHOW block_size;
Have you checked the level of bloat yet? (Perhaps autovacuum needs
to be made more aggressive.)