Viktor Holmberg <v(at)viktorh(dot)net> writes:
> On 14 Mar 2025 at 16:18 +0000, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, wrote:
>> No, we'd need to create an update script that uses ALTER FUNCTION.
>> Extension scripts are basically frozen once shipped.
> Ah, thanks for the clarification. I’ve attached a patch that fixes the volatility. I thought it best to at least get some feedback on that before I try to dust off my C knowledge and try to fix the GUC stuff.
Uh .. looks like you attached a patch for something else altogether.
If you want a sample extension-updating patch to look at, you
could see 44ba2920644903d7dfceda810e5facdbcbab58a8, or lots of
other examples.
regards, tom lane