Re: BUG #18840: Segmentation fault in executing select unnest(array(oidvector))

From: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
To: ylshiyu(at)126(dot)com
Cc: pgsql-bugs(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: BUG #18840: Segmentation fault in executing select unnest(array(oidvector))
Date: 2025-03-12 23:37:33
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PG Bug reporting form <noreply(at)postgresql(dot)org> writes:
> I encountered a segmentation fault when using 'select
> unnest(array(oidvector))'.

Thanks for the report! The cause of this bug is confusion about
whether oidvector is an array type or scalar type. It is an array
type, because get_element_type says that its element type is "oid",
but it is also a scalar type, because get_array_type says that its
array type is "oidvector[]". The parser and planner think that the
result of the ARRAY() construct should be of type oidvector[], but
arrayfuncs.c's initArrayResultAny() comes to the opposite conclusion.

Before initArrayResultAny() was invented in 9.5, we correctly executed
the construct and produced oidvector[]. So I'm inclined to think that
that's the right answer, and 0001 attached makes it that way again.

While poking at this I found a related problem, which is that
ARRAY[oidvector] also thinks the result type is oidvector. This seems
wrong to me, because there's not supposed to be any such thing as a
multidimensional oidvector. I couldn't find any case that crashed as
a result, but I may just not have tried hard enough. It's certainly
possible to exhibit clearly-wrong results, for example

regression=# select array['11 22 33'::int2vector];
(1 row)

0002 attached fixes that part.

The crash you found is sufficient reason to back-patch 0001, even
though it changes results in some non-crash cases. I'm less sure
about whether to back-patch 0002. If anyone can find a crash
case involving ARRAY[], I think we should do so.

regards, tom lane

Attachment Content-Type Size
v1-0001-Fix-initArrayResultAny-for-int2vector-and-oidvect.patch text/x-diff 7.6 KB
v1-0002-Make-ARRAY-treat-int2vector-and-oidvector-like-AR.patch text/x-diff 4.7 KB

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