Assert failure on running a completed portal again

From: Yugo Nagata <nagata(at)sraoss(dot)co(dot)jp>
To: pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Assert failure on running a completed portal again
Date: 2024-12-05 21:25:49
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Lists: pgsql-hackers


I notice that the following Assert in PortalRun fails when a same portal is
executed more than once by an Execute message whose "max number of rows"
is specified to zero, that is, "no limit".

/* Set run_once flag. Shouldn't be clear if previously set. */
Assert(!portal->run_once || run_once);
portal->run_once = run_once;

I tested this using pgproto [1] in Pgpool-II.

I believe the server should return CommanComplete normally in this case.
his can be fixed by not setting execute_is_fetch flag (run_once as the result)
when the portal is already completed since no rows will be fetched in this case.
I've attached a pach in this approach.


Yugo Nagata

Yugo Nagata <nagata(at)sraoss(dot)co(dot)jp>

Attachment Content-Type Size
0001-Prevent-Assert-failure-when-a-completed-portal-is-ru.patch text/x-diff 1.3 KB


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