I use the following commands to build PostgreSQL9.3 from source, but plpython3u and postgres_fdw are missed in the result, can you help with this.
./configure PYTHON='/opt/python32/bin/python3' --prefix=/opt/PostgreSQL/93b2src --with-python
make install
export PATH=/opt/PostgreSQL/93b2src/bin:$PATH
cd /opt/PostgreSQL/93b2src/
bin/initdb -D data
bin/pg_ctl -D data -l logfile start
bin/pg_ctl -D data stop
[postgres(at)lix ~]$ psql
psql (9.3beta2)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create language plpython3u;
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/plpython3": No such file or directory
postgres=# create extension postgres_fdw;
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/opt/PostgreSQL/93b2src/share/postgresql/extension/postgres_fdw.control": No such file or directory