Wendy <windy1a(at)yahoo(dot)com> wrote:
>I backed up a database at night and noted the size to be about over 300MB.
>The following morning, I again backed up the same database and found out
>the size to be less than 100MB. There was no massive deletes by users
>during that morning.
>What would account to that vast difference in size?
An automatically executed script (e.g. cron job) that ran a VACUUM on the
database during the night.
>I'm really worried about this database because I don't understand what is
>happening here.
Deleted table entries still occupy disk space; VACUUMing cleans them out,
thereby shrinking the database's disk space usage.
"Perhaps they spent some of the time writing the patent application. That
task was surely harder than thinking of the technique."
RMS on Amazon's 1-Click(R) patent,