Re: Adding and filling new column on big table

From: PFC <lists(at)peufeu(dot)com>
To: "Jonathan Blitz" <jb(at)anykey(dot)co(dot)il>, "'Francisco Reyes'" <lists(at)stringsutils(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-performance(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Adding and filling new column on big table
Date: 2006-05-30 20:24:32
Message-ID: op.tadsa6vmcigqcu@apollo13
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Lists: pgsql-performance

>> Most laptop drives are only 5,400 RPM which would make a transaction
>> like
>> you are describing likely take a while.
> Not sure what my one is but it is new(ish).

If you're doing data intensive operations (like a big update which looks
like what you're doing) it will write many megabytes to the harddrive...
my laptop HDD (5400 rpm) does about 15 MB/s throughput while a standard
desktop 7200rpm drive does 55-60 MB/s throughput. Plus, seek times on a
laptop drive are horrendous.

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