Arnaud Lesauvage <thewild(at)freesurf(dot)fr> writes:
> O B a écrit :
>> You may try "ethereal" which can give you more details than the TCP
>> dumps with a structured view of packets and protocol layers.
> The included dumps *are* ethereal dumps, actually.
I think Olivier was talking about ethereal the browser, not about
ethereal the capture front-end.
> There must be a reason why psqlODBC sets a different RWIN than the
> other frontends (psql and pgAdmin), but I don't know which one.
By the way this is the receive buffer size on the _client_, right? (I
would be surprised that this indirectly changes server settings...)
On linux you can trace/check all modifications of the buffer sizes
like this:
strace -e trace=setsockopt testcode