hi Urs,
this is perhaps not what you meant but...
I'd use a simple script to filter out the offending lines before they go
into the database, like the following written in Tcl (but you could
write this in almost any language):
set fp [open badlines.txt a]
while {0 <= [gets stdin line]} {
set n [string length $line]
if {$n < 1 || $n > 20} {
puts $fp $line
} else {
puts stdout $line
close $fp
exit 0
now your pipeline becomes:
su - postgres -c "cat test.csv | badlines | psql -X -q test -c \"COPY
t_test FROM stdin WITH DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS '?' CSV QUOTE AS '\\\"'
ESCAPE AS '\\\"'\""
and you can process the lines in 'badlines.txt' later, at your leisure.
regards, jr. (jr(at)tailorware(dot)org(dot)uk)