Remove useless casts to (char *)

From: Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>
To: pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Remove useless casts to (char *)
Date: 2025-02-05 21:25:35
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

In the spirit of the recent patch set "Remove useless casts to (void *)"
[0], here is patch set that removes a bunch of apparently useless casts
to (char *).

There are two larger themes:

1) Various casts around string/memory functions such as strcpy() or
memcpy() that pretty much don't make any sense at all (at least
post-1989 I guess).

2) Using void * instead of char * for function arguments that deal with
binary data. The largest of these is XLogRegisterData() and
XLogRegisterBufData(), which were also mentioned in [0]. (similar past
patches: 2d4f1ba6cfc 1f605b82ba6 3b12e68a5c4 b9f0e54bc95)

The remaining (char *) casts are mostly related to signed/unsigned
conversion, controlling pointer arithmetic, and related to
palloc/malloc, (and probably some I missed or didn't want to touch) so
those are all ok to keep.


Attachment Content-Type Size
0001-Remove-unnecessary-char-casts-string.patch text/plain 6.1 KB
0002-Remove-unnecessary-char-casts-mem.patch text/plain 17.0 KB
0003-Remove-unnecessary-char-casts-checksum.patch text/plain 3.0 KB
0004-Remove-various-unnecessary-char-casts.patch text/plain 14.3 KB
0005-backend-launchers-void-arguments-for-binary-data.patch text/plain 21.3 KB
0006-backend-libpq-void-argument-for-binary-data.patch text/plain 6.2 KB
0007-jsonb-internal-API-void-argument-for-binary-data.patch text/plain 4.4 KB
0008-SnapBuildRestoreContents-void-argument-for-binary-da.patch text/plain 3.2 KB
0009-XLogRegisterData-XLogRegisterBufData-void-argument-f.patch text/plain 3.9 KB
0010-Remove-unnecessary-char-casts-xlog.patch text/plain 69.4 KB


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