Improve verification of recovery_target_timeline GUC.

From: David Steele <david(at)pgbackrest(dot)org>
To: Pg Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Improve verification of recovery_target_timeline GUC.
Date: 2025-01-23 14:53:39
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Lists: pgsql-hackers


Currently check_recovery_target_timeline() converts any value that is
not current, latest, or a valid integer to 0. So for example:

recovery_target_timeline = 'currrent'

results in the following error:

FATAL: 22023: recovery target timeline 0 does not exist

Since there is no range checking for uint32 (but there is a cast from
unsigned long) this setting:

recovery_target_timeline = '9999999999'

results in the following error (on 64-bit):

FATAL: 22023: recovery target timeline 1410065407 does not exist

Improve by adding endptr checking to catch conversion errors and add
range checking to exclude values < 2 and greater than UINT_MAX.

I discovered this while testing on Postgres versions < 12 where

recovery_target_timeline = 'current'

sets the target timeline to 'latest', which is a pretty surprising
result. I'm only noting it in case somebody is searching the archives
since the versions in question are EOL. But that odd result made me
wonder if Postgres >= 12 had a similar problem. While it is not quite so
confusing as Postgres < 12 I think it still bears improving.

The tests are probably excessive but I needed something to show that the
verification works as expected.


Attachment Content-Type Size
timeline-log-v1.patch text/plain 1.6 KB


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