Re: Intermittent errors when fetching cursor rows on PostgreSQL 16

From: Enrico Schenone <eschenone(at)cleistech(dot)it>
To: Adrian Klaver <adrian(dot)klaver(at)aklaver(dot)com>, pgsql-general(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Cc: Massimo Catti <mcatti(at)cleistech(dot)it>, Livio Pizzolo <lpizzolo(at)cleistech(dot)it>
Subject: Re: Intermittent errors when fetching cursor rows on PostgreSQL 16
Date: 2024-12-19 19:40:26
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Lists: pgsql-general

Hello, my answers in line along your message ...
Thanks a lot again.


*Enrico Schenone*
Software Architect

*Cleis Tech s.r.l.* -
Sede di Genova, Via Paolo Emilio Bensa, 2 - 16124 Genova, ITALY
Tel: +39-0104071400   Fax: +39-0104073276
Mobile: +39-320 7709352
E-mail: eschenone(at)cleistech(dot)it


Il 19/12/24 19:27, Adrian Klaver ha scritto:
> On 12/19/24 10:11, Enrico Schenone wrote:
>> Good day, Adrian.
>> I get the error inside the program by catching the exception and
>> logging it with diagnostic info provided by the DVM (a runtime
>> interpreter similar in concept to a JVM) that embed the PG driver.
> DVM is this?:
The 4Js DVM (Dynamic Virtual Machine) is that one

> In other words an Android client?
No, it is a runtime interpreter for Linux, Windows, IBM AIX, macOS and
other unix-like OSs. It ensures the portability of 4Js Genero compiled
programs (p-code) on several OS platforms.
4Js Genero is a Low Code Application Platform. The programming language,
named "BDL - Business Development Language", is an evolution of the
Compiled programs needs a runtime interpreter (DVM) to be executed.
The DVM embeds at low-level the DB drivers provided by several vendors,
and at BDL high level the application program can easily connect to the
major DBs on the market thanks to its ODI (Open Database Interface).
>> I can't give you info on what the DVM does at low level, but I can
>> send you the distinct full session log fragment at server side, where
>> it is quite easy to understand how the DVM translates the program's
>> SQL queries end what PostgreSQL does.
> That might be useful.
Please take a look to the attached text file, that is the full failing
session log (filtered from the debug5 PostgreSQL server log).
>> May I give you any other info ?
> Not at the moment.
>> Do you think it can be useful to include in this thread the 4Js
>> Suppory guys ?
> I could see filing an issue and pointing at this thread:
>> Thanks again and best regards.
>> Enrico

Attachment Content-Type Size
Casper_debug5_grep.log01 text/plain 251.7 KB

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