On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:19 PM, David Kerr <dmk(at)mr-paradox(dot)net> wrote:
> Howdy all.
> I've got a function that basically does this:
> DELETE FROM test where id = $1
> INSERT into test (id) values ($1);
You're missing a semi-colon up there, is that a problem?
> id is the primay key, so it has to be unique.
> First time I run it, works great.
> If I run it again in the same session, I get
> ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_pkey"
> If I log out and then log back in, it runs fine again (the first time).
> Is there some setting for the function that I need to set to make this run correctly
> every time?
This should just work. Please post a more complete example of what's
happening (php code, queries something) that reproduces this problem
in a way I can just type it in and see it on my end.