Re: Table size is constantly growing and causing performance problems

From: Thiemo Kellner <thiemo(at)gelassene-pferde(dot)biz>
To: PostgreSQL Admin <pgsql-admin(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Table size is constantly growing and causing performance problems
Date: 2025-02-12 06:39:08
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Lists: pgsql-admin


12.02.2025 05:45:36 srinivasan s <srinioracledba7(at)gmail(dot)com>:

> One of the tables in our database suddenly started  growing very fast without any changes to the environment.

> we are using postgres version 12 on ubuntu

Is there a reason, you stay on v12 when v17 is available?

Are we to understand that the table takes in news rows but also those get deleted in about the same number so only little grow is expected if at all? Does count(*) reflect the size growth? If not did you check your processes for insert/delete? Do they apply/affect the same amount of rows before? Has there popped up an imbalance? I am assuming the processes as in my second question.

Cheers Thiemo

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