Re: Cannot pg_dump_all anymore...

From: E-BLOKOS <admin(at)e-blokos(dot)com>
To: pgsql-general(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Cannot pg_dump_all anymore...
Date: 2025-03-19 14:02:29
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Lists: pgsql-general

On 3/18/2025 5:49 AM, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> First figure out which database is having that issue, by using pg_dump
> --schema-only on each database in turn. Then run this SQL on the
> database giving the error to see if the type exists, or what is nearby:
> select oid, typname, typtype, typnamespace::regnamespace from pg_type
> where oid <= 794978 order by 1 desc limit 3;
> Also let us know the version of pg_dump and the version of Postgres
> being dumped.
> Cheers,
> Greg
> --
> Crunchy Data -
> Enterprise Postgres Software Products & Tech Support
ok I fixed it with:

SELECT * FROM pg_depend WHERE objid IN (794964, 794968);
DELETE FROM pg_depend WHERE objid IN (794964, 794968);

systemctl restart postgresql

is it possible a crash happened with a VACUUM and a machine reboot in
same time?


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