Re: Collation & ctype method table, and extension hooks

From: Jeff Davis <pgsql(at)j-davis(dot)com>
To: Andreas Karlsson <andreas(at)proxel(dot)se>, pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org, Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Collation & ctype method table, and extension hooks
Date: 2025-02-07 19:19:21
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

> I'm still inlined to think the method table is a good thing to do:
> (a) The performance cases I tried seem implausibly bad -- running
> character classification patterns over large fields consisting only
> of
> codepoints over U+07FF.
> (b) The method tables seem like a better code organization that
> separates the responsibilities of the provider from the calling code.
> It's also a requirement (or nearly so) if we want to provide some
> pluggability or support multiple library versions.
> It would be good to hear from others on these points, though.

Attached v15. Just a rebase.

I'd still like some input here. We could either:

* commit this on the grounds that it's a desirable code improvement and
the worst-case regression isn't a major concern; or

* wait until v19 when we might have a more compelling use for the
method table (e.g. pluggable provider or multilib)

Jeff Davis

Attachment Content-Type Size
v15-0001-Control-ctype-behavior-internally-with-a-method-.patch text/x-patch 43.0 KB
v15-0002-Remove-provider-field-from-pg_locale_t.patch text/x-patch 4.8 KB
v15-0003-Make-provider-data-in-pg_locale_t-an-opaque-poin.patch text/x-patch 25.6 KB
v15-0004-Don-t-include-ICU-headers-in-pg_locale.h.patch text/x-patch 2.8 KB

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