laurent(dot)dechambe(at)orange(dot)com schrieb am 17.04.2019 um 08:30:
> I am working on PostgreSQL 10.5 and I have a discrepancy between clients regarding parallelism feature.
> For a simple query (say a simple SELECT COUNT(*) FROM BIG_TABLE), I
> can see PostgreSQL use parallelism when the query is launched from
> psql or PgAdmin4. However the same query launched with DBeaver (ie
> connected through JDBC) does not use parallelism.
> SELECT current_setting('max_parallel_workers_per_gather') gives 10
> from my session.
> Is there a client configuration that prevents from using parallelism?
Maybe DBeaver wraps the statement for some reason? (I have seen SQL clients do that)
A CTE would prevent parallelism.