Re: send/receive buffer size

From: Scott Harrington <scotth01(at)sns-usa(dot)com>
To: pgsql-jdbc(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: send/receive buffer size
Date: 2012-08-21 23:08:05
Message-ID: alpine.WNT.2.00.1208211856150.1212@turks
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Lists: pgsql-jdbc

On Tue, 21 Aug 2012, Shijun Kong wrote:

> I read a thread somewhere that somebody contributed a patch for adding support of configurable send/receive buffer size. Did it ever commit into
> master branch? I did not see any commit message about this change for last 12 months.

I wondered the same last weekend and found that the patch had NOT yet
found its way into pgjdbc on github. In case it helps you, I've attached
that old patch in a form that should apply cleanly against the latest
sources (unless something's changed in the last 10 days).

Before merging, maintainers would probably want to rename the property
names (which have underscores in this patch) to better conform to the
other driver properties which use camelcaps for the most part.

I have also attached a "localAddress" patch that I find useful (I think I
posted it myself a while ago, but in any case here's an updated patch that
should apply more cleanly against recent sources).


Attachment Content-Type Size
pgjdbc-bufferSizes.patch application/octet-stream 5.4 KB
pgjdbc-localAddress.patch application/octet-stream 5.6 KB

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