Re: Triage on old commitfest entries

From: Fabien COELHO <coelho(at)cri(dot)ensmp(dot)fr>
To: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
Cc: PostgreSQL Developers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Triage on old commitfest entries
Date: 2021-10-04 05:10:30
Message-ID: alpine.DEB.2.22.394.2110040655460.2817726@pseudo
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Hello Tom,

> As I threatened in another thread, I've looked through all of the
> oldest commitfest entries to see which ones should maybe be tossed,
> on the grounds that they're unlikely to ever get committed so we
> should stop pushing them forward to the next CF.

> psql - add SHOW_ALL_RESULTS option 11
> Last substantive discussion 2021-09, currently passing cfbot
> This got committed and reverted once already. I have to be
> suspicious of whether this is a good design.

> Thoughts?

ISTM that the main problem with this patch is that it touches a barely
tested piece of software, aka "psql":-( The second problem is that the
initial code is fragile because it handles different modes with pretty
intricate code.

So, on the first commit it broke a few untested things, among the many
untested things.

This resulted in more tests being added (sql, tap) so that the relevant
features are covered, so my point of view is that this patch is currently
a net improvement both from an engineering perspective and for features
and enabling other features. Also, there is some interest to get it in.

So I do not think that it deserves to be dropped.


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