Re: weird GROUPING SETS and ORDER BY behaviour

From: Zhang Mingli <zmlpostgres(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>, Geoff Winkless <pgsqladmin(at)geoff(dot)dj>
Subject: Re: weird GROUPING SETS and ORDER BY behaviour
Date: 2024-01-06 16:48:17
Message-ID: abda3d0f-0f7a-4365-9886-1c1beb03c068@Spark
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Zhang Mingli
On Jan 6, 2024 at 23:38 +0800, Geoff Winkless <pgsqladmin(at)geoff(dot)dj>, wrote:
> I was hoping to see
> gp_n | gp_conc | n | concat
> ------+---------+------+--------
> 1 | 0 | NULL | n1x5
> 1 | 0 | NULL | n2x4
> 1 | 0 | NULL | n3x3
> 1 | 0 | NULL | n4x2
> 1 | 0 | NULL | n5x1
> 0 | 1 | n1 | NULL
> 0 | 1 | n2 | NULL
> 0 | 1 | n3 | NULL
> 0 | 1 | n4 | NULL
> 0 | 1 | n5 | NULL
> because when gp_conc is 0, it should be ordering by the concat() value.
Hi, I misunderstand and thought you want to see the rows of gp_n = 0 first.
So you’re not satisfied with the second key of Order By.
I simply the SQL to show that the difference exists:

SELECT GROUPING(test1.n) AS gp_n,
GROUPING(concat(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq))) AS gp_conc,
 CONCAT(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq))
 FROM test1
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (test1.n), (concat(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq))) )
ORDER BY concat(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq)) NULLS FIRST;
 gp_n | gp_conc | n | concat
 1 | 0 | NULL | n1x5
 1 | 0 | NULL | n2x4
 1 | 0 | NULL | n3x3
 1 | 0 | NULL | n4x2
 1 | 0 | NULL | n5x1
(5 rows)

This is what you want, right?

And if there is a CASE WHEN, the order changed:

SELECT GROUPING(test1.n) AS gp_n,
GROUPING(concat(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq))) AS gp_conc,
 CONCAT(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq))
 FROM test1
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (test1.n), (concat(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq))) )
ORDER BY CASE WHEN true THEN concat(test1.n, (SELECT x FROM test2 WHERE seq=test1.seq)) END NULLS FIRST;
 gp_n | gp_conc | n | concat
 1 | 0 | NULL | n5x1
 1 | 0 | NULL | n4x2
 1 | 0 | NULL | n3x3
 1 | 0 | NULL | n2x4
 1 | 0 | NULL | n1x5
(5 rows)

I haven’t dinged into this and it seems sth related with CASE WHEN.
A case when true will change the order.

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