Reduced from sqlsmith, this query fails under debug_parallel_query=1.
The elog was added at: 55416b26a98fcf354af88cdd27fc2e045453b68a
But (I'm not sure) the faulty commit may be 8edd0e7946 (Suppress Append
and MergeAppend plan nodes that have a single child).
postgres=# SET force_parallel_mode =1; CREATE TABLE x (i int) PARTITION BY RANGE (i); CREATE TABLE x1 PARTITION OF x DEFAULT ;
select * from pg_class,
lateral (select pg_catalog.bit_and(1)
from pg_class as sample_1
where case when EXISTS (
select 1 from x
where EXISTS (
select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_depend
where (sample_1.reltuples is NULL)
)) then 1 end
is NULL)x
where false;