Re: Packages for pg_doorman

From: Christoph Berg <myon(at)debian(dot)org>
To: Smolkin Grigory <smallkeen(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-pkg-debian(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Packages for pg_doorman
Date: 2025-03-12 13:43:17
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-debian

Re: Smolkin Grigory
> We would like to introduce pg_doorman, a new open-source PostgreSQL
> connection pooler available under the MIT license.
> You can find the project here:


thanks for the suggestion!

> Rust Dependency: pg_doorman is written in Rust and requires rustc version
> 1.70.0 or higher.

This would be the first PG-related package using rust, I would expect
a lot of rust crate packages to be still missing.

> However, we’re unsure if this version is available in all Debian-based
> distributions via their default package repositories.

Debian stable has 1.63, unstable has 1.85.
Ubuntu noble has 1.75.

> Build Process:
> Would it be acceptable to install the compiler from
> during package building?
> Alternatively, would providing Dockerfiles for respective distributions be
> a viable option?

Everything for the build needs to come from proper .deb packages from
within the target distribution. We might consider using some backports
or relaxing the rules a bit for the older distributions, but we really
like to have packages built properly for Debian main.

> We’re open to any suggestions and requirements you may have.

Did you already try to build it with distribution-provided tools only?


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