pg17.3 PQescapeIdentifier() ignores len

From: Justin Pryzby <pryzby(at)telsasoft(dot)com>
To: pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: pg17.3 PQescapeIdentifier() ignores len
Date: 2025-02-13 16:51:27
Message-ID: Z64jD3u46gObCo1p@pryzbyj2023
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

I found errors in our sql log after upgrading to 17.3.

error_severity | ERROR
message | schema "rptcache.44e3955c33bb79f55750897da0c5ab1fa2004af1_20250214" does not exist
query | copy "rptcache.44e3955c33bb79f55750897da0c5ab1fa2004af1_20250214"."44e3955c33bb79f55750897da0c5ab1fa2004af1_20250214" from stdin

The copy command is from pygresql's inserttable(), which does:

do {
t = strchr(s, '.');
if (!t)
t = s + strlen(s);
table = PQescapeIdentifier(self->cnx, s, (size_t)(t - s));
fprintf(stderr, "table %s len %ld => %s\n", s, t-s, table);
if (bufpt < bufmax)
bufpt += snprintf(bufpt, (size_t)(bufmax - bufpt), "%s", table);
s = t;
if (*s && bufpt < bufmax)
*bufpt++ = *s++;
} while (*s);

The fprintf suggests that since 5dc1e42b4 PQescapeIdentifier ignores its len.

python3 -c "import pg; db=pg.DB('postgres'); db.inserttable('child.a000000000000', [1])")
table child.a000000000000 len 5 => "child.a000000000000"
table a000000000000 len 13 => "a000000000000"



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