Re: An improvement of ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer logic

From: Michael Paquier <michael(at)paquier(dot)xyz>
To: Noah Misch <noah(at)leadboat(dot)com>
Cc: Vitaly Davydov <v(dot)davydov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>, pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: An improvement of ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer logic
Date: 2025-01-16 07:50:09
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On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 05:00:51PM -0800, Noah Misch wrote:
> I agree with accepting +4 bytes in GlobalTransactionData.

Let's just bite the bullet and do that on HEAD and v17, then,
integrating deeper FullTransactionIds into the internals of

> I think "using the current epoch" is wrong for half of the nextFullXid values
> having epoch > 0. For example, nextFullId==2^32 is in epoch 1, but all the
> allowable XIDs are in epoch 0. (I mean "allowable" in the sense of
> AssertTransactionIdInAllowableRange().) From then until we assign another
> 2^31 XIDs, epochs 0 and 1 are both expected in XID values. After 2^31 XID
> assignments, every allowable XID be in epoch 1. Hence, twophase.c would need
> two-epoch logic like we have in widen_snapshot_xid() and XLogRecGetFullXid().
> Is that right? (I wrote this in a hurry, so this email may have more than the
> standard level of errors.) Before commit 7e125b2, twophase also had that
> logic. I didn't work out the user-visible consequences of that logic's new
> absence here, but I bet on twophase recovery breakage. Similar problem here
> (up to two epochs are acceptable, not just one):
> + /* Discard files from past epochs */
> + if (EpochFromFullTransactionId(fxid) < EpochFromFullTransactionId(nextXid))

Oops, you're right. Your suggestion to unify all that in a single
routine is an excellent idea. Missed the bits in xid8funcs.c.

> I wrote the attached half-baked patch to fix those, but I tend to think it's
> better to use FullTransactionId as many places as possible in twophase.c.
> (We'd still need to convert XIDs that we read from xl_xact_prepare records,
> along the lines of XLogRecGetFullXid().) How do you see it?

I'm all for integrating more FullTransactionIds now that these reflect
in the file names, and do a deeper cut.

As far as I understand, the most important point of the logic is to
detect and discard the future files first in restoreTwoPhaseData() ->
ProcessTwoPhaseBuffer() when scanning the contents of pg_twophase at
the beginning of recovery. Once this filtering is done, it should be
safe to use your FullTransactionIdFromAllowableAt() when doing
the fxid <-> xid transitions between the records and the files on disk
flushed by a restartpoint which store an XID, and the shmem state of
GlobalTransactionData with a fxid.

With the additions attached, FullTransactionIdFromAllowableAt() gets
down from 8 to 6 calls in twophase.c. The change related to
MarkAsPreparingGuts() seems optional, though. I am trying to figure
out how to write a regression test to trigger this error, lacking a
bit of time today. That's going to require more trickery with
pg_resetwal to make that cheap, or something like that.. Attached are
some suggestions, as of a 0002 that applies on top of your 0001.

XLogRecGetFullXid() is used nowhere. This could be removed, perhaps,
or not?

Attachment Content-Type Size
v2-0001-Fix-twophase.c-XID-epoch-tracking.patch text/x-diff 12.4 KB
v2-0002-Integrate-deeper-FullTransactionIds-into-twophase.patch text/x-diff 13.1 KB

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