Re: BUG #18146: Rows reappearing in Tables after Auto-Vacuum Failure in PostgreSQL on Windows

From: Michael Paquier <michael(at)paquier(dot)xyz>
To: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Thomas Munro <thomas(dot)munro(at)gmail(dot)com>, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnaka(at)iki(dot)fi>, Alexander Lakhin <exclusion(at)gmail(dot)com>, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, Laurenz Albe <laurenz(dot)albe(at)cybertec(dot)at>, rootcause000(at)gmail(dot)com, pgsql-bugs(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: BUG #18146: Rows reappearing in Tables after Auto-Vacuum Failure in PostgreSQL on Windows
Date: 2024-12-20 02:53:43
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Lists: pgsql-bugs

On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 10:44:05AM -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> I think mostly my thought was that if we could remove smgrtruncate()
> entirely in favor of smgrtruncatefrom(), or just keep it called
> smgrtruncate() but add a mandatory additional argument, that would be
> less error-prone than having two versions between which future hackers
> must pick.

Hmm. Indeed. As a HEAD change, keeping only a smgrtruncate() is
tempting as it creates a parallel with md.c. I am not completely sure
how to make all that leaner with the smgrnblocks() calls that save the
old number of blocks for each fork. But perhaps Thomas has a fancy
idea if it comes down to that, and it could always be done later.

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