Reg pg_restore taking more time in windows compare to linux

From: Praveen Kumar Mandula <pmandula(at)opentext(dot)com>
To: "pgsql-performance(at)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-performance(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Reg pg_restore taking more time in windows compare to linux
Date: 2025-01-26 07:14:57
Message-ID: YT2PR01MB415852867696C25B6D9E16ACB2ED2@YT2PR01MB4158.CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
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Lists: pgsql-performance

Hi Team,
In our AccuRev product we are using postgres 9.5.3 ( open source ).

For one of our customer, when they are restoring DB, its taking more time.
In Windows its taking around 43 hours, where as in Linux its taking around 3 hours.

We tried modifying these in postgresql.conf , but still same behaviour.
shared_buffers = 7GB
effective_cache_size : 20GB
work_mem = '256MB'
maintenance_work_mem = '1GB';

max_wal_size = '3GB';

full_page_writes = off

autovacuum = off

wal_buffers = -1

min_wal_size = '1GB'

Note : we tried in postgres 17.2 also, still in windows its taking 43 hours for restore, where as in linux its taking just 3hours.

Attached linux and windows logs, Can you please provide any suggestions?


Attachment Content-Type Size
linux-postgresql-2025-01-07.log application/octet-stream 50.6 KB
postgresql-2025-01-08.log application/octet-stream 80.5 KB
postgresql-2025-01-09.log application/octet-stream 162.5 KB
postgresql-2025-01-10.log application/octet-stream 2.3 KB


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