Re: Slow Query - PostgreSQL 9.2

From: Saulo Merlo <smerlo50(at)outlook(dot)com>
To: Vitaly Burovoy <vitaly(dot)burovoy(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: "pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Slow Query - PostgreSQL 9.2
Date: 2016-01-11 07:11:43
Message-ID: SNT147-W591CC792E97E83F2B2ADEAD3C90@phx.gbl
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Lists: pgsql-general

-- Table: gorfs.inode_segments
-- DROP TABLE gorfs.inode_segments;
CREATE TABLE gorfs.inode_segments( st_ino "gorfs"."ino_t" NOT NULL, -- Inode number the segment belongs to. alongside segment_index, it forms the table's primary key to ensure uniqueness per relevant scope segment_index "gorfs"."pathname_component" NOT NULL, -- See st_no's column description for further details. The meaning of this column varies based on the host inode type:... st_ino_target "gorfs"."ino_t", -- Target inode number. Meaningful for directory inode segments (objects in the directory) full_path "gorfs"."absolute_pathname", -- Exploded absolute canonical path for quick lookups. Meaningful only for directory inode segments (objects in the directory) segment_data "bytea", -- Actual data segment. Meaningful only for S_IFLNK and S_IFREG.... CONSTRAINT pk_inode_segments PRIMARY KEY ("st_ino", "segment_index"), CONSTRAINT fk_host_inode_must_exist FOREIGN KEY (st_ino) REFERENCES gorfs.inodes (st_ino) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_target_inode_must_exist FOREIGN KEY (st_ino_target) REFERENCES gorfs.inodes (st_ino) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT uc_no_duplicate_full_paths UNIQUE ("full_path"), CONSTRAINT cc_only_root_can_be_its_own_parent CHECK ("st_ino_target" IS NULL OR "st_ino"::bigint <> "st_ino_target"::bigint OR "st_ino"::bigint = 2))WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);
S_IFSOCK: 0: no data to store, no records hereS_IFLNK: 1: contains the link target (see columns comments for details).S_IFREG: 0+: actual data segments, up to 64MB each (see columns comments for details)S_IFBLK: 0: no data to store, no records hereS_IFDIR: 0+: one record per object name in the directoryS_IFCHR: 0: no data to store, no records hereS_IFIFO: 0: no data to store, no records here';-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_climb_tree
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_climb_tree;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_climb_tree ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ("segment_index" COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "st_ino_target");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_filter_by_subtree
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_filter_by_subtree;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_filter_by_subtree ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ("full_path" COLLATE pg_catalog."default" varchar_pattern_ops) WHERE "full_path" IS NOT NULL;COMMENT ON INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_filter_by_subtree IS 'Allows looking for left-anchored paths (either regex or LIKE).WARNING: as of 9.2 the index is not used when the comparison term is a non deterministic function (STABLE or VOLATILE).See';
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_full_path_resolution
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_full_path_resolution;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_full_path_resolution ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ("st_ino", "full_path" COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_gsdi_pk
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_gsdi_pk;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_gsdi_pk ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree (("st_ino"::"text") COLLATE pg_catalog."default", ("segment_index"::"text") COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_ja_files_lookup
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_ja_files_lookup;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_ja_files_lookup ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ((CASE WHEN "full_path"::"text" ~ '/[^/]*\.[^/]*$'::"text" THEN "upper"("regexp_replace"("full_path"::"text", '.*\.'::"text", ''::"text", 'g'::"text")) ELSE NULL::"text"END) COLLATE pg_catalog."default") WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_notes_clientids
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_notes_clientids;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_notes_clientids ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree (("split_part"("full_path"::"text", '/'::"text", 4)::integer)) WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_notes_fileids
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_notes_fileids;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_notes_fileids ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree (("split_part"("full_path"::"text", '/'::"text", 8)::integer)) WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_notes_noteids
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_notes_noteids;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_notes_noteids ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ((NULLIF("split_part"("full_path"::"text", '/'::"text", 6), 'unassigned'::"text")::integer)) WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_segment_indexes
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_segment_indexes;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_segment_indexes ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ("segment_index" COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_st_ino_targets
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_st_ino_targets;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_st_ino_targets ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ("st_ino_target");
-- Index: gorfs.ix_inode_segments_st_inos
-- DROP INDEX gorfs.ix_inode_segments_st_inos;
CREATE INDEX ix_inode_segments_st_inos ON gorfs.inode_segments USING btree ("st_ino");

-- Trigger: a_iud_update_inode on gorfs.inode_segments
-- DROP TRIGGER a_iud_update_inode ON gorfs.inode_segments;
CREATE TRIGGER a_iud_update_inode AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON gorfs.inode_segments FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gorfs.tf_inode_segments_update_inodes();COMMENT ON TRIGGER a_iud_update_inode ON gorfs.inode_segments IS 'See invoked function';
-- Trigger: a_u_update_children on gorfs.inode_segments
-- DROP TRIGGER a_u_update_children ON gorfs.inode_segments;
CREATE TRIGGER a_u_update_children AFTER UPDATE ON gorfs.inode_segments FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gorfs.tf_inode_segments_update_children();
-- Trigger: b_iu_calculate_columns on gorfs.inode_segments
-- DROP TRIGGER b_iu_calculate_columns ON gorfs.inode_segments;
CREATE TRIGGER b_iu_calculate_columns BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON gorfs.inode_segments FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gorfs.tf_inode_segments_calculate_columns();COMMENT ON TRIGGER b_iu_calculate_columns ON gorfs.inode_segments IS 'See invoked function';
-- Trigger: ct_valid_data_layouts_only on gorfs.inode_segments
-- DROP TRIGGER ct_valid_data_layouts_only ON gorfs.inode_segments;
CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER ct_valid_data_layouts_only AFTER INSERT ON gorfs.inode_segments FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gorfs.tf_inode_segments_valid_data_layouts_only();COMMENT ON TRIGGER ct_valid_data_layouts_only ON gorfs.inode_segments IS 'See invoked function';

-- View: gorfs.nodes
-- DROP VIEW gorfs.nodes;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW gorfs.nodes AS SELECT "p"."full_path" AS "node_full_path", "h"."st_ino" AS "parent_inode_id", "t"."st_ino" AS "inode_id", CASE WHEN "p"."st_ino_target"::bigint = 2 THEN NULL::character varying ELSE "p"."segment_index"::character varying END AS "relative_path", "t"."st_mode"::bigint AS "raw_mode", "f"."constant_name" AS "object_type", ("gorfs"."mode_t_bits"('S_ISUID'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name")::"bit" & "t"."st_mode"::"bit")::integer <> 0 AS "setuid", ("gorfs"."mode_t_bits"('S_ISGID'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name")::"bit" & "t"."st_mode"::"bit")::integer <> 0 AS "setgid", ("gorfs"."mode_t_bits"('S_ISVTX'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name")::"bit" & "t"."st_mode"::"bit")::integer <> 0 AS "sticky", "right"("concat"((("gorfs"."mode_t_bits"('S_IRWXU'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name")::"bit" | "gorfs"."mode_t_bits"('S_IRWXG'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name")::"bit") | "gorfs"."mode_t_bits"('S_IRWXO'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name")::"bit") & "t"."st_mode"::"bit"), 9)::bit(9) AS "permissions", "t"."st_nlink" AS "links_count", "t"."st_uid" AS "owner_uid", "t"."st_gid" AS "owner_gid", "t"."st_size" AS "data_length", "t"."st_atime" AS "last_accessed", "t"."st_mtime" AS "last_modified", "t"."st_ctime" AS "last_changed", "t"."checksum_md5", ("mst"."media_type" || '/'::"text") || "mst"."subtype_string"::"text" AS "media_type", CASE WHEN "f"."constant_name" = 'S_IFLNK'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name" THEN ( SELECT "convert_from"("ls"."segment_data", 'UTF8'::"name") AS "convert_from" FROM "gorfs"."inode_segments" "ls" WHERE "ls"."st_ino"::bigint = "p"."st_ino_target"::bigint) ELSE NULL::"text" END AS "target", CASE WHEN "f"."constant_name" = 'S_IFREG'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name" THEN ( SELECT "string_agg"("fs"."segment_data", ''::"bytea" ORDER BY "fs"."segment_index") AS "string_agg" FROM "gorfs"."inode_segments" "fs" WHERE "fs"."st_ino"::bigint = "p"."st_ino_target"::bigint) ELSE NULL::"bytea" END AS "file_data", "t"."external_size" IS NOT NULL AS "is_external", "t"."external_size" AS "data_length_target" FROM "gorfs"."inode_segments" "p" JOIN "gorfs"."dir_inodes" "h" ON "h"."st_ino"::bigint = "p"."st_ino"::bigint JOIN "gorfs"."inodes" "t" ON "t"."st_ino"::bigint = "p"."st_ino_target"::bigint JOIN "gorfs"."mode_t_flags"() "f"("constant_name", "description", "bits", "bits_octal", "bits_hex", "bits_decimal") ON "f"."bits"::"bit" = ("gorfs"."mode_t_bits"('S_IFMT'::"gorfs"."mode_t_constant_name")::"bit" & "t"."st_mode"::"bit") LEFT JOIN "media_subtypes" "mst" ON "mst"."media_subtype_id" = "t"."media_subtype_id";
-- Trigger: i_iud_action_changes on gorfs.nodes
-- DROP TRIGGER i_iud_action_changes ON gorfs.nodes;
CREATE TRIGGER i_iud_action_changes INSTEAD OF INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON gorfs.nodes FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gorfs.tf_nodes_action_changes();

> Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 23:04:20 -0800
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Slow Query - PostgreSQL 9.2
> From: vitaly(dot)burovoy(at)gmail(dot)com
> To: smerlo50(at)outlook(dot)com
> CC: pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
> On 1/10/16, Saulo Merlo <smerlo50(at)outlook(dot)com> wrote:
> > CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_name ON gorfs.inode_segments(st_ctime);
> > ERROR: column "st_ctime" does not exist
> > Look the error I've got
> >
> > Lucas
> >
> >> Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 22:43:21 -0800
> >> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Slow Query - PostgreSQL 9.2
> >> From: vitaly(dot)burovoy(at)gmail(dot)com
> >> To: smerlo50(at)outlook(dot)com
> >> CC: pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
> >>
> >> On 1/10/16, Saulo Merlo <smerlo50(at)outlook(dot)com> wrote:
> >> > Hi Vitaly,
> >> >
> >> > Yep... gorfs.nodes is a view.
> >> > And the schema is: gorfs.inode_segments
> >> > So... CREATE INDEX index_name ON gorfs.inode_segments(st_ctime)
> >> > Is that correct? It would be "st_ctime"?
> >> If "inodes" is an alias for "gorfs.inode_segments" in your view, yes,
> >> the above DDL is OK. According to EXPLAIN's "Filter" row the column
> >> involving in comparison is st_ctime.
> >>
> >> Hint: you can create the index without blocking table using "CREATE
> >>
> >>
> >> > I've rewriten the query as well. Thank you for that!
> >> >
> >> > Thank you
> >> > Lucas
> >>
> >> >> Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 21:23:01 -0800
> >> >> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Slow Query - PostgreSQL 9.2
> >> >> From: vitaly(dot)burovoy(at)gmail(dot)com
> >> >> To: smerlo50(at)outlook(dot)com
> >> >> CC: pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
> >> >>
> >> >> On 1/10/16, Vitaly Burovoy <vitaly(dot)burovoy(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> >> >> > On 1/10/16, Saulo Merlo <smerlo50(at)outlook(dot)com> wrote:
> >> >> >> I've got a slow query.. I'd like to make it faster.. Make add an
> >> >> >> index?
> >> >> >> Query:
> >> >> >> SELECT
> >> >> >> <<overquoting>>
> >> >> >> FROM gorfs.nodes AS f
> >> >> >> <<overquoting>>
> >> >> >> WHERE f.file_data IS NOT NULL
> >> >> >> AND ((transaction_timestamp() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') >
> >> >> >> (f.last_changed
> >> >> >> +
> >> >> >> '24
> >> >> >> months' :: INTERVAL)) LIMIT 100;
> >> >> >
> >> >> >> <<overquoting>>
> >> >> >> "Total runtime: 94989.208 ms"What could I do to make it faster?
> >> >> >> Thank
> >> >> >> you.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > At least you can add an index:
> >> >> > CREATE INDEX ON gorfs.nodes(last_changed)
> >> >> >
> >> >> > and rewrite part of WHERE clause to:
> >> >> > (f.last_changed < (transaction_timestamp() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' - '24
> >> >> > months'::INTERVAL))
> >> >> >
> >> >> > It allows to decrease the slowest part of your query (sequence
> >> >> > scanning of a table, all 13.5M rows):
> >> >> >> -> Seq Scan on "inodes" "t" (cost=0.00..1411147.24 rows=13416537
> >> >> >> width=29) (actual time=94987.224..94987.224 rows=0 loops=1)
> >> >> >> Filter: ("timezone"('UTC'::"text", "transaction_timestamp"())
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> (("st_ctime")::timestamp without time zone + '2 years'::interval))
> >> >> >
> >> >> > compare that time to the one in the topmost row of EXPLAIN:
> >> >> >> Limit (cost=1556.99..1336437.30 rows=100 width=186) (actual
> >> >> >> time=94987.261..94987.261 rows=0 loops=1)
> >> >>
> >> >> Hmm. It seems that gorfs.nodes is a view.
> >> >> So creating index should be something like (I have no idea that schema
> >> >> name for it):
> >> >> CREATE INDEX ON _schema_name_.inodes(st_ctime)
> Please, post a definition of a table and a view (and all intermediate
> views if any).
> Via psql it can be done via:
> \d gorfs.inode_segments
> \d+ gorfs.nodes
> --
> Best regards,
> Vitaly Burovoy
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org)
> To make changes to your subscription:

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