Re: Redis & SQLite FDW packages

From: pgsqlitegis(at)tutamail(dot)com
To: Bradford Boyle <bradford(dot)d(dot)boyle(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: PostgreSQL in Debian <pgsql-pkg-debian(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Redis & SQLite FDW packages
Date: 2025-02-03 04:02:13
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-debian

Hello, Bradford!

> I wanted to check and see if you were still interested in packaging
> sqlite_fdw and redis_fdw for Debian and Ubuntu.

> I spent some time
> looking at sqlite_fdw and I can help with preparing the package.
Thanks! I am ready to fix my draft repo and support PR to sqlite_fdw mainstream after your review.

>  I have
> prepared an initial package that builds locally but before pushing
> anything, I wanted to check and see if you have started the packaging
> effort.
Does in means I should try some .deb production commands on my local copy of repository?

>  If not, I can setup the package repo under the PostgreSQL team
> on
Are you about some automated additions to some metadata? In this case I can add all needed to PR for mainstream.


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