Hi PostgreSQL developers,
I am having trouble with PostgreSQL's implementation of DataBaseMetaData.getTables() and looking at the code I found this comment and so I am writing to you.
The problem I am having is that If I create tables with uppercase letters like this
create table "FOO" ( "NUM" numeric );
then I can´t use this code to check if the table exists
ResultSet rs = conn.getMetaData().getTables( null, null, "FOO", null );
Boolean exists = rs.next();
I suppose it´s because the tableNamePattern is being converted toLowerCase()
// Added by Stefan Andreasen <stefan(at)linux(dot)kapow(dot)dk>
// Now take the pattern into account
sql.append(") and relname like '");
sql.append("' order by relkind, relname");
I suggest to eliminate this conversion and leave the user do the conversion if he desires.
Ricardo Andrés Capurro
Senior Software Developer
ATS Advanced Technology Solutions S.A.
Av. Corrientes 880 Piso 11
(C1043AAV) Buenos Aires
Tel: +54-11-6393-4345 +54-11-4393-4345
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e-mail laboral: mailto:rcapurro(at)ats(dot)com(dot)ar
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ICQ#: 103449056