I am currently using pg_dump which was delivered with the 14.1.-Version of
PgAdmin III on a 8.0 database.
Issuing the following command:
C:\tools\PGADMI~1>pg_dump.exe -i -h pgv8host -p 5432 -U admin -F p -v
Results in:
pg_dump.exe: reading schemas
pg_dump.exe: SQL command failed
pg_dump.exe: Error message from server: ERROR: column "nsptablespace" does
not exist
pg_dump.exe: The command was: SELECT tableoid, oid, nspname, (select usename
from pg_user where nspowner = usesysid) as usename, nsp
acl, (SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = nsptablespace) AS
nsptablespace FROM pg_namespace
pg_dump.exe: *** aborted because of error
What's wrong?
Has it to do with template0/1?