I'm using version 7.3.2. I got the following error when I executed the
sql statement in psql:
llogicdb=> select ID, POINAME, ADDRESS, (GEOM::point <->
, 37.785768),(-122.405903, 37.785768),(-122.405903,
37.786768),(-122.406903, 37
.786768))')) * 87878.15460046429 as CFF_DISTANCE from NT_SF_POI where
TYPE='3578') and (GEOM::point <-> polygon('((-122.406903,
03, 37.785768),(-122.405903, 37.786768),(-122.406903, 37.786768))')) *
460046429 <= 3.41381770434236E-5 order by CFF_DISTANCE;
ERROR: Unable to identify an operator '<->' for types 'point' and
You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast
Does this mean that the <-> operator does not support distance between a
point and a simple polygon?
Scott Ding