From: pgsql-bugs-owner(at)postgresql(dot)org
[mailto:pgsql-bugs-owner(at)postgresql(dot)org] On Behalf Of Cristiano Ansaloni
Sent: 08 November 2005 15:35
To: pgsql-bugs(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: [BUGS] Psql odbc driver version doesn't
remember "Cache size" option if it is set to 0 (to set "unlimited").
Psql odbc driver version doesn't remember "Cache
size" option if it is set to 0 (to set "unlimited").
Cache size of 0/unlimited makes no sense. The cache is only used in
declare/fetch mode, so if you want to fetch all rows at once, just turn
off use declare/fetch.
Instead, the "Maximum rows to retrieve" option in the Tab 3 of
pgAdmin options works good.
pgAdmin III doesn't use ODBC, and besides, that option is not analagous
to psqlODBC's cache size setting in the slightest. I would suggest
reading the appropriate doc pages for each product.
Regards, Dave.