pgsql: Apply more consistent style for command options in TAP tests

From: Michael Paquier <michael(at)paquier(dot)xyz>
To: pgsql-committers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: pgsql: Apply more consistent style for command options in TAP tests
Date: 2025-03-17 03:43:34
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Lists: pgsql-committers

Apply more consistent style for command options in TAP tests

This commit reshapes the grammar of some commands to apply a more
consistent style across the board, following rules similar to
- Elimination of some pointless used-once variables.
- Use of long options, to self-document better the options used.
- Use of fat commas to link option names and their assigned values,
including redirections, so as perltidy can be tricked to put them

Author: Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker <ilmari(at)ilmari(dot)org>



Modified Files
contrib/auto_explain/t/ | 2 +-
contrib/basebackup_to_shell/t/ | 6 +-
contrib/sepgsql/t/ | 3 +-
.../pg_archivecleanup/t/ | 9 +-
src/bin/pg_resetwal/t/ | 3 +-
src/bin/pg_rewind/t/ | 3 +-
src/bin/pg_rewind/t/ | 21 +--
src/bin/pg_upgrade/t/ | 74 ++++++----
src/bin/pg_upgrade/t/ | 14 +-
src/bin/pg_upgrade/t/ | 37 ++---
src/bin/pg_verifybackup/t/ | 13 +-
src/bin/pg_verifybackup/t/ | 4 +-
src/bin/pg_verifybackup/t/ | 3 +-
src/bin/pg_verifybackup/t/ | 20 ++-
src/bin/pg_verifybackup/t/ | 25 ++--
src/bin/pg_verifybackup/t/ | 17 ++-
src/bin/pg_waldump/t/ | 24 ++--
src/bin/pgbench/t/ | 2 +-
src/bin/pgbench/t/ | 2 +-
src/bin/psql/t/ | 5 +-
src/bin/psql/t/ | 9 +-
src/interfaces/libpq/t/ | 5 +-
src/interfaces/libpq/t/ | 4 +-
src/test/modules/commit_ts/t/ | 2 +-
.../modules/libpq_pipeline/t/ | 4 +-
.../ssl_passphrase_callback/t/ | 8 +-
src/test/modules/test_pg_dump/t/ | 159 ++++++++++++---------
src/test/perl/PostgreSQL/Test/ | 9 +-
src/test/perl/PostgreSQL/Test/ | 140 +++++++++++-------
src/test/perl/PostgreSQL/Test/ | 2 +-
src/test/perl/PostgreSQL/Test/ | 40 +++---
src/test/postmaster/t/ | 5 +-
src/test/recovery/t/ | 48 ++++---
src/test/recovery/t/ | 7 +-
src/test/recovery/t/ | 29 ++--
src/test/recovery/t/ | 18 ++-
src/test/recovery/t/ | 30 ++--
src/test/recovery/t/ | 30 ++--
src/test/recovery/t/ | 30 ++--
.../recovery/t/ | 36 ++---
.../recovery/t/ | 2 +-
src/test/recovery/t/ | 15 +-
src/tools/pg_bsd_indent/t/ | 2 +-
43 files changed, 522 insertions(+), 399 deletions(-)

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