pgsql: Speedup tuple deformation with additional function inlining

From: David Rowley <drowley(at)postgresql(dot)org>
To: pgsql-committers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: pgsql: Speedup tuple deformation with additional function inlining
Date: 2024-12-27 23:21:20
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Lists: pgsql-committers

Speedup tuple deformation with additional function inlining

This adjusts slot_deform_heap_tuple() to add special-case loops to
eliminate much of the branching that was done within the body of the
main deform loop.

Previously, while looping over each attribute to deform,
slot_deform_heap_tuple() would always recheck if the given attribute was
NULL by looking at HeapTupleHasNulls() and if so, went on to check the
tuple's NULL bitmap. Since many tuples won't contain any NULLs, we can
just check HeapTupleHasNulls() once and when there are no NULLs, use a
more compact version of the deforming loop which contains no NULL checking
code at all.

The same is possible for the "slow" mode checking part of the loop. That
variable was checked several times for each attribute, once to determine
if the offset to the attribute value could be taken from the attcacheoff,
and again to check if the offset could be cached for next time.

These "slow" checks can mostly be eliminated by instead having multiple
loops. Initially, we can start in the non-slow loop and break out of
that loop if and only if we must stop caching the offset. This
eliminates branching for both slow and non-slow deforming methods. The
amount of code required for the no nulls / non-slow version is very
small. It's possible to have separate loops like this due to the fact
that once we move into slow mode, we never need to switch back into
non-slow mode for a given tuple.

We have the compiler take care of writing out the multiple required
loops by having a pg_attribute_always_inline function which gets called
various times passing in constant values for the "slow" and "hasnulls"
parameters. This allows the compiler to eliminate const-false branches
and remove comparisons for const-true ones.

This commit has shown overall query performance increases of around 5-20%
in deform-heavy OLAP-type workloads.

Author: David Rowley
Reviewed-by: Victor Yegorov



Modified Files
src/backend/executor/execTuples.c | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

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