The following bug has been logged on the website:
Bug reference: 8034
Logged by: Devin Ben-Hur
Email address: dbenhur(at)whitepages(dot)com
PostgreSQL version: 9.2.3
Operating system: Ubuntu Precise
When a very large shared buffer pool (~480GB) is used with postgresql,
pg_buffercache contrib module gets an allocation error trying to Allocate
NBuffers worth of BufferCachePagesRec records:
The requested allocation exceeds the 1GB limitation imposed by
AllocSizeIsValid macro:
1) acquire server with half terabyte of memory
2) tweak OS settings to allow large shared memory
3) set postgresql.conf: shared_buffers = 400GB
4) CREATE EXTENSION pg_buffercache;
5) SELECT * FROM pg_buffercache LIMIT 1;