I have a question about the routine "GetNonHistoricCatalogSnapshot".
It has a param "Oid relid". It firstly
checks if the relation has systemcache or if it is in "RelationInvalidatesSnapshotsOnly" related relations.
If yes, it will invalidate the CatalogSnapshot.
I just wonder in which situation the developer tries to scan a non-catalog table by CatalogSnapshot.
By the way, in the routine " SnapshotSetCommandId", there is a comment
/* Should we do the same with CatalogSnapshot? */
From my point of view, there is no need to update the curcid of CatalogSnapshot, as the CatalogSnapshot
will be invalidated if there are any updates on the catalog tables in the current transaction.
If I misunderstood, please correct me!
Best regards, xiaoran