RE: Version 8.13 now encapsulates any copy and paste value in double quotes - how to remove that?

From: PABLO ANDRES IBARRA DUPRAT <Pablo(dot)Ibarra(at)itau(dot)cl>
To: "calle(dot)hedberg(at)gmail(dot)com" <calle(dot)hedberg(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgAdmin Support <pgadmin-support(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: RE: Version 8.13 now encapsulates any copy and paste value in double quotes - how to remove that?
Date: 2024-12-03 16:57:22
Message-ID: CPWP152MB40297B8331F745E94DB8797887362@CPWP152MB4029.LAMP152.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
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Lists: pgadmin-support

Hi ..

Didi you try this?:
Open File->Preferences from the menu, then navigate to "Query Tool"->"Results grid", and change the "Result copy quote character" as needed



De: Calle Hedberg <calle(dot)hedberg(at)gmail(dot)com>
Enviado el: martes, 3 de diciembre de 2024 13:38
Para: pgAdmin Support <pgadmin-support(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Asunto: Version 8.13 now encapsulates any copy and paste value in double quotes - how to remove that?

Version 8.13 has introduced encapsulation in double quotes for any value copied from one row/column to another row/column.
That will not work for me, so how can I turn that new "feature" OFF?

Best regards
Calle Hedberg
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